Nearly every homeowner has dreamt up an idea to make their home more appealing, 更有价值, 或者只是为了更好地适应他们的生活方式. 也许你是家里的艺人, hosting big family gatherings and would like the kitchen to be more open to allow for more face-to-face hang time with the family.  It would have all the custom touches like commercial grade appliances, 花岗岩台面, 还有一个带室内烤架的岛式厨房. 哦,可能性是无限的.

Or, 也许你正在寻找一个完美的家, 在那个完美的位置, with those perfect housing bones that would take a little imagination and some renovation work to create your new dream home. 你知道的. Built in the late 80’s sitting on 2 acres with lake access and plenty of space for the family pet to run around. 对,就是那个. 经过一些改造,它可能是你的新定制的家.

但是从哪里开始呢? 在Arbor Financial, we offer two great renovation loan options to help you finance and update your home from drab to fab!


A renovation loan gives homeowners or prospective homeowners the funds needed to fix, 更新或翻新他们的家. Whether your home needs small cosmetic updates or larger more complex renovations, 就像一个房间, 新车库, 或者完全改造, Arbor Financial has renovation loan options that may be your solution.

  • 化妆品更新. The purpose of the Arbor Financial renovation mortgage is to help borrowers buy a home as well as fund home improvements while having only one mortgage payment. 它是这样工作的, 你找到了一个售价150美元的房子,000美元,你打算投50美元,000美元用于维修和升级, your renovation mortgage can be for up to 97% of the home purchase price plus repairs or in this case $194,000*.

The Arbor Financial renovation mortgage is designed for non-structural and cosmetic improvements up to $50,000 (e.g. 油漆, 地毯, 台面, 橱柜, 站, AC /加热, 加强残疾人无障碍设施, 窗户或新屋顶). 如果你想增加一个额外的家庭, 打破壁垒, or other structural upgrades then a construction renovation loan would be the way to go.

  • 建筑改造. 当你考虑进行更大规模的翻新时, 一个价格超过50美元的,000或涉及结构工作(添加), 删除墙, adding a garage) then the Arbor Financial construction renovation loan can help you. 


The biggest benefit of Arbor Financials renovation loan is how quick you can access the funds compared to government backed FHA renovation loans.


To qualify for an Arbor Financial renovation loan the home, 公寓, 或人造房屋必须是您的主要住所. You can however purchase a 2-unit duplex as long as you occupy one of the units. You can borrow up to 97% of the total cost of the home and upgrades (slightly less for manufactured homes). Second homes will also qualify up to 90% of loan to value with a credit score of 700 or greater. Improvements are for up to $50,000 in non-structural work.

最好的办法就是和你的 本地按揭贷款人 who can run several scenarios for you and help provide you with the best mortgage solution. Don’t let the old outdated oak 橱柜 prevent you and your family from purchasing an otherwise perfect home, 今天就给我们打电话269.544.3105.
